What the Sharing Economy Means to the Future of Travel

世界的なパンデミックを経たいま、旅のかたちはいかに変わり、旅行者たちは何を求めているのだろう? そしてその変化は、地域にとってどんな意味をもつのだろう?


トラブルメーカーズはAirbnb Japanとともに、本プロジェクトの企画・取材・制作を担当しました。



How has travel changed after the global pandemic? What are travelers looking for now? And what does this change mean for local communities?

These questions lead to “What the Sharing Economy Means to the Future of Travel," a guidebook for proposing and sharing new forms of travel made by Airbnb by listening to various experts, tourism professionals, and Airbnb hosts. The guidebook is available in PDF format so that local governments can use it as a resource.

Troublemakers, together with Airbnb Japan, was in charge of the project's planning, interviews, and production.

What the Sharing Economy Means to the Future of Travel


Edit & Text / Yuto Miyamoto
Art Direction & Design / Manami Inoue
Client / Sharing Economy Association Japan, Sharing City Council, Airbnb Japan


Aim an Arrow at the Rock in the Ocean